Non-Academic Complaints

Student Affairs Non-Academic Complaint Policy

The purpose of this policy is to address official non-academic student complaints at the University of North Carolina Asheville (UNCA). A student complaint is an objection to an alleged violation of law, or applicable University policies or procedures; and/or deprivation of applicable due process for which the University is responsible or has a responsibility to address or resolve. This policy applies to all UNCA students.

Dean of Students
UNC Asheville provides several means by which a student may address complaints. The Dean of Students or designee advises students on non-academic complaints and concerns. Any student with a question, concern, or complaint is encouraged to contact the Dean of Students for assistance and support. Links to the relevant academic and non-academic policies for grievances and complaints are linked below. 

For more information on the Complaint Resolution Process, click here.


Associated Policies

Code of Student Responsibility 

Student Conduct Process

Academic Integrity Grievances and Policies