How to Apply

Students who feel they meet the criteria of need for assistance from the SEF may submit an application and supporting documentation to the Office of the Dean of Students.

Complete the Student Emergency Fund Application

The SEF review committee which consists of representatives from the Division of Student Affairs and the Division of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving will review the application and supporting documentation and determine if the request meets the criteria and if so, the funding amount. An applicant may be requested to meet with the Dean of Students to discuss their situation or meet as part of the follow up process post SEF assistance. Funding from the SEF can impact a student’s financial aid pack thus students are encouraged to speak with a representative from the Financial Aid office prior to accepting assistance from the SEF.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be currently enrolled as a student.
  • Applicants must have a significant financial hardship resulting from an unexpected, significant life altering emergency as noted above which is occurring in the current semester of enrollment.
  • All other resources, included financial aid, grants and other emergency loans must be exhausted.
  • Applicants must complete the application in full and submit supporting documentation.
  • Applicants are usually limited to one award from the SEF during their course of enrollment.
  • All awards from the fund are to be spent solely on the emergency described in the application.
  • Applicant must be willing to meet with the Dean of Students or other representative if requested.

Expenses Covered

  • Travel costs related to a death, illness or accident in the immediate family
  • Medications and other costs related to medical care which are not otherwise covered by required insurance
  • Safety needs (changing a lock)
  • Life expenses (rent, food, utilities) related to need based on significant life altering situation

Expenses Not Covered

  • Tuition, fees, health insurance, club/organization dues and study abroad costs
  • Repayment to the university (fines, back money owed to the University)
  • Non-essential utilities (i.e. cable)
  • Non-emergency travel and associated costs
  • Parking tickets, traffic citations and arrest related expenses