About Student Conduct

Student Conduct, through the Dean of Students Office, manages all non-academic conduct processes and promotes a culture of accountability through education, care, and restorative practices. 

All students, as integral members of the UNC Asheville community, are responsible for conducting themselves in a manner that enhances an environment of learning in which the rights, dignity, worth, and freedom of each member of the academic community are respected and consistently represent the University in a positive light. Members of the University community are expected to engage in conduct that contributes to the culture of integrity and honor upon which the University of North Carolina Asheville is grounded.

The Student Conduct process is designed to address violations of the Code of Student Responsibility, which is grounded in student development and learning. While this process may result in the imposition of disciplinary sanctions, the primary objective is to promote learning, changes in behavior, movement toward more responsible citizenship, campus safety, health, and well-being.


Guiding Principles

  • Prompt, Fair, and Consistent Processes
  • Respect for the Rights of All
  • Teachable Moments
  • Appropriate & Applicable Outcomes
  • Student-Oriented and Educational Practices
  • A Win-Win Attitude


Student Conduct Policies 


Campus Resources


Forms and Links